I am angry.
No, I am fucking infuriated. I am so fucking infuriated I don't even have words to describe the sheer levels of fury and disgust I am currently experiencing.
So, basically, the so called "Protect Life Act" or bill HR 358 isn't just an attack on a woman's (especially poor, underprivileged woman's) right to choose, it's a blatant attack on the bodies and value of women. Period.
Or really, any pregnant person, or person with a uterus (obviously uterus does not equal woman)
Sponsored by the same people as HR 3, which until recently had everyone up-in-arms over the 'forcible rape' wording which would have, for insurance purposes, discounted roughly 70% of rapes, the much less publicized HR 358 basically says women's lives don't matter, and it's fine to just let them die.
Yeah, that's right. If this bill get's approved, hospitals who receive federal funding, but don't support abortion will not only be allowed to turn away women seeking emergency abortions where not aborting would kill the woman, with no legal repercussions, but they will not even be required to transfer her to a hospital that will treat her. Again, with no legal repercussions for simply allowing a treatable patient seeking treatment to die.
This is a huge departure from current emergency care legislation, which requires that all persons seeking emergency care, including life saving abortions, be treated. And if the hospital they come to first is unwilling or unable to provide treatment, the hospital is legally required as per the 1986 EMTALA law, to transfer them to a hospital that can.
The passing of HR 358 would completely undo that.
If the purpose of this act is to "protect life" then why aren't women's lives worth protecting?
Oh yeah, because anti-choice legislation is rarely if ever actually concerned with the well being of fetuses, it's concerned with hurting and in this case killing women.
If this pisses you off as much as it does me, here is a petition you can sign, to be delivered to congress on Tuesday, urging that such legislation be dutifully and swiftly shot down:
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