So, it's been a while since I posted one of these. Anyway, here are some things going on you can participate in to help make the world a better place!
Speak out against the forced sterilization of Tibetans by the Chinese government
I don't think I really need to outline how reproductive rights are human rights, and that includes the right to actually have children. Not only is the forced sterilization being carried out in Tibet a gross human rights violation, but the conditions under which it's done are cruel and dangerous. Add your voice to the petition above, and spread the word!
Support the universal healthcare act in California
Universal health care would be awesome wouldn't it? Especially under a single-payer system. Contrary to the fear mongering constantly being thrown about in the U.S, most countries, like Canada for instance, who have single payer health care systems not only haven't collapsed into a disease ridden heap, but their practitioners actually work fewer hours, while spending more time actually with patients than U.S doctors, and take a pay-cut that really doesn't reduce their standard of living (roughly 110,000 USD vs 130,000). So, while it would be super cool if we could get something like this nation wide, we should support California getting it in the meantime!
Brighten someones holiday with an e-card
Mothers Day is coming up. Take this opportunity to send an e-card to let the Mom or Mom-figure in your life know that she's appreciated, while spreading the word about the work done by Meals for Moms. Meals for Moms, in association with Meals on Wheels, help deliver meals to the doors of homebound and elderly women and mothers. You can also have a card sent to a Meals for Moms recipient, making sure everyone knows that someone out there cares about them!
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