Thursday, December 8, 2011

So, it's been a while

 I think that's because I don't really know what to do, or what I want to do with this blog anymore. I am not writing anything I really want to share. I am not traveling, and I'm not remotely confident in my ability or attention span to keep up a social or environmental justice blog.

Really, I think I'm just more of a journal-er than a blogger. So, we'll see what happens here, I guess. I'm open to suggestions if anyone happens to have them <3

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

The Shower Hates Me: Consumer Ire

So, I'm going to take a moment, possibly several, to indulge in a bit of shallowness.

Truth is, in some ways, I'm very much a 'girly-girl'. I enjoy RomComs and bodice-ripping 70% random violence 30% ridiculously corny sex and courtship Harlequin novels of the medieval/barbarian or sometimes western variety. I really do like gardening, shopping, home-y arts and crafts, candles, and dinner-sets and home decoration-y things.

I also really really like yummy smelling bath stuff. And I kind of also like the freedom to pick what that yummy smell is.
Which is frustrating, because I also try pretty hard to be an ethical consumer.

I mean, really, all I want is to smell like coconut and or pretty pink flowers without endorsing animal cruelty, major environmental or health damages, or worker exploitation. I'd also really like it to come in a recyclable bottle, and not cost me an arm and a leg.That's not really asking so much is it?

Well, yes actually, apparently it is.
First of all, it can be really frustrating finding information on the ethics of various companies in the first place, and packaging isn't always trustworthy. I actually rely on the PETA recommendations list, because I figure not contributing to the pointless torture of animals is pretty much the least I can do. Also it's one if the only extensive lists I can find that doesn't require a paid subscription. Info on Fir Trade and such is harder to come by. Anyway that right there knocks off most discount brands, such as Suave (Unilever) SoftSoap (Colgate-Palmolive) Dove, and Dial. Hair stuff doesn't fair much better either. Of course, scratching of these discount brands also removes most ability to pick stuff to put on your body that you actually like the smell of. For some reason Burts Bees, Alba, Yes to Carrots, other various organics and on up only seem to come in one or two smells, on top of quickly becoming prohibitively expensive.

Luckily, White Rain brand is cheap, and can be confirmed not to do evil things to animals at least. E.L.F (Eyes Lips Face) is also pretty awesome that way, and sells make-up and shower gel astonishingly cheap, when you can find their products. Bath and Body Works is much more expensive (though not as much more as a lot of not evil stuff), but easy to locate, offers many choices, definitively on PETA's good list, and I can't find any other information that would convince me not to buy from them.

This has to be all the more frustrating for conscious consumers who want soap or shampoo on the more traditionally masculine side of the smell spectrum. I mean, there isn't a lot for them to choose from anyway, and most of the above mentioned good brands are pretty femininely coded. Some people would just rather smell like Sports or Icy Blast than Calm Chamomile & Honey or what have you. But let's look at the brands they do have:
Suave- owned by Unilever: Animal Cruelty
Axe- Unilever: Animal Cruelty
Dove-Animal Cruelty
Irish Spring- owned by Colgate-Palmolive: Animal Cruelty
Old Spice- owned by Proctor&Gamble: Animal Cruelty
Dial: you guessed it! Animal Cruelty.

Yikes! And, once again, that covers just about everything in your supermarket that comes in at under $6/bottle. Actually, the only brand I know of that definitely has 'guy smells' is BBW.But that still doesn't do much for the folks who want to wash their hair without causing it significant damage.

I realize that in the grand scheme of things, what you smell like when you get out of the shower isn't all that important. Nonetheless, it doesn't seem like a luxury that should be that difficult to obtain without punching the world in the face.
I mean, no, I have no expertise in the realm of bath product making. But seriously, is it really that hard to make soap that just smells like strawberries OR oatmeal OR lavender OR...whatever all that 'guy stuff' smells like, without animal testing, or loads of other unethical practices? It's not like vegetable based cleansers are that difficult to make, or like essential oils are that hard to come by.
If I was more entrepreneurial/qualified, I might try to do something about this.

As it is, I already make my own environmentally friendly laundry detergent and all purpose cleaner and that kind of thing. I've explored soap/shampoo making before. I think I'm going to look into that again, though at the moment, it seems like a lot of effort and funds (stuff for cleaning product making has to bought in bulk, I assume stuff for soap making would too) for just myself. Anyway, I'll look into it. If I know you and you're interested let me know! I'd be happy to either make you stuff, or teach you how to make stuff. Maybe we can bypass some of the supporting nastiness, without giving up too much by way of stuff we like.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Stuff this week

So, it's been a while since I posted one of these. Anyway, here are some things going on you can participate in to help make the world a better place!

Speak out against the forced sterilization of Tibetans by the Chinese government
 I don't think I really need to outline how reproductive rights are human rights, and that includes the right to actually have children. Not only is the forced sterilization being carried out in Tibet a gross human rights violation, but the conditions under which it's done are cruel and dangerous. Add your voice to the petition above, and spread the word!

 Support the universal healthcare act in California
 Universal health care would be awesome wouldn't it? Especially under a single-payer system. Contrary to the fear mongering constantly being thrown about in the U.S, most countries, like Canada for instance, who have single payer health care systems not only haven't collapsed into a disease ridden heap, but their practitioners actually work fewer hours, while spending more time actually with patients than U.S doctors, and take a pay-cut that really doesn't reduce their standard of living (roughly 110,000 USD vs 130,000). So, while it would be super cool if we could get something like this nation wide, we should support California getting it in the meantime!

 Brighten someones holiday with an e-card
Mothers Day is coming up. Take this opportunity to send an e-card to let the Mom or Mom-figure in your life know that she's appreciated, while spreading the word about the work done by Meals for Moms. Meals for Moms, in association with Meals on Wheels, help deliver meals to the doors of homebound and elderly women and mothers. You can also have a card sent to a Meals for Moms recipient, making sure everyone knows that someone out there cares about them!

Thursday, March 31, 2011

April: Possibly a Month Long Cruel Joke on Autistic Folks

So, April, as it turns out, has been dubbed Autism Awareness month. I'm not going to make this post on the 1st of April, because it is definitely not an April Fools Joke.

Anyway, April, so I've learned, tends to translate in the blogosphere and mainstream media into Extra Ableism Month. Mostly in that the voices of non autistic people remain privileged over those of people with autism. For more information from folks more qualified to talk about it than me, check out this and this.
Now, I'm not autistic. I kind of fall into the caretaker-advocate-relative ect catagory, being the elder sibling of an autistic brother, and having a number of friends and acquaintances with autism. So, to keep from contributing to this ick-tastic trend, I'm not going to talk about autism, and definitely not my experiences as a sibling or whatever. I am however, going to talk about the organization which more or less dominates Autism Awareness Month: Autism Speaks.
And boy oh boy, do we have some problems here.

For those who don't know:

What seems to be the problem? Well, how about for starters, for an organization called Autism Speaks there are really....not a whole lot of autistic people speaking here. Scouring their entire website, in fact, I have failed to find a single quote from a person with autism. Every. Single. Quote. on the whole damn site is from a family member or staff member, and a disturbing number of them are things like this:
"This disorder has taken our children away. It's time to get them back." My brother has autism. I still have a brother. Are you trying to imply that an autistic child isn't your child anymore?

"It is painful to love so much, to want something so much, and not quite get it. You want your child to get better so much you may feel some of the stages commonly associated with grieving." Because obviously finding out your family member is autistic is exactly the same thing as finding out they have terminal cancer. And again with the sentiment that an autistic child is somehow not a real child.

Oh, and the organization not only loves to make really, highly unfavorable comparisons between autism and HIV/AIDs and autism and cancer, but they seem to be sporting a bit of a eugenicist bent with this whole, while it's gotten better about this, a majority of it's funding remains geared towards finding the genetic and biological causes of autism (as opposed to family services, individual services, education programs, expanding treatment options for currently alive people ect) the goal seeming to be to develop a prenatal test. While obviously a pregnant person has the choice to abort for any reason, that this is the funding distribution of a group that claims to be there to help, it does make them seem less interested in serving autistic people and their families than in making autistic people stop existing. Is that really who should be the voice for autism here?

Is Autism Speaks doing some good things? Of course. Advocating for anti-discrimination policies,  providing resources and support for parents and families to help them be good parents in a situation they weren't expecting, raising awareness ect, are all good things. But in so far as treating people with autism as people rather than as tragedies inflicted on those around them goes? Looks like they sorely need to clean up their act.

In the mean time, probably the best thing the rest of use can do is to learn more about autism from people who actually experience it and want to talk about it, and try to promote such voices being heard over the constantly heard voices of caretakers.

And, we can spend the month of April to be extra careful to point out the ableism we encounter, especially anti-autism ableism, and especially in places purpoting to be spreading 'autism awareness'.
I will start by apologizing for not including a trigger warning on my last post. The comments section of the linked article definitely has some iffy stuff going on, and there are one or two comments in the article itself that seem to be having a laugh at the expense on autistic folks. Gonna go fix that now.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Sharing an article

Because it speaks much more eloquently than me about the Akira remake, brings up many point I forgot, including that ultimately this will turn into a 9/11 movie. Trigger warning: one section has what looks like a joke at the expense of autistic folks, and the comment section can get really ugly. 5 Urgent Questions about the Live Action Akira Remake

Seriously. Taking a movie that is basically about all Japanese disasters ever but particularly about how the had fucking nuclear bombs dropped on them BY the U.S and making it into a movie about U.S tragedy? That's honestly just straight up sick.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Religious Intolerance 2.0

There's no Monopoly of religious intolerance

So, I don't have a tumblr to reblog from, but this is something that's been bothering me personally for a while, so I thought I'd share it here.

Most of my friends are atheists or atheist leaning agnostics.I am not.
I have no problem respecting and acknowledging their beliefs. Many of them seem to have an actual problem not mocking me.Or my family. Or my theist friends and acquaintances, and in fact, claim it as their right to do so, to their faces. Because it's all in good fun right?

This isn't to deny that the dominant religion in a given area (Christianity, in the U.S and most Western countries) has boatloads of privilege over atheism, and that atheism is among the most popular rhetorical whipping boys.  But I will say that I think atheism is still more privileged than many other non-dominant religions. Look at how Muslims are being treated in the U.S. Look at media portrayals of Paganism, Voodoo, Satanism, and other less understood religions. Look at how seriously people take your peers who admit to being neither Christian, nor Atheist.

And really? Isn't it just the teensy tiniest bit hypocritical to act as though your beliefs (atheism still constitutes belief, just not in a deity) give you the right to dismiss other peoples out of hand?

There is so much more I want to write about this, but I also really don't want to get into shit with said friends. I'll try to come up with a more compelling list of reasons as to why everyone should respect everyone else's beliefs in the near future.

Though really, mutual respect and the desire to treat people fairly and decently should be enough, yeah?

Friday, March 25, 2011

The Hunger Games

While I'm talking about race and casting (specifically racist casting) I should probably say something about the Hunger Games movie as well. I don't know how I missed both the news that there was going to be a movie, and the subsequent casting fail last week.

If you haven't read the Hunger Games trilogy: Do. Go now. Yes, I know they're YA, go read them anyway for they are fantastic. I confess, having read them I kind aspire to be Collins.
They also handle issues of race and class in a remarkably adept and subtle way, especially for scifi. Which is why I am so disappointed to see the way casting for the movie has been handled.

I don't think it's wrong per se, for Katniss to be played by a White actress. Her race is never specified, and her description is relatively ambiguous, which I think is one of the books strengths. What is undoubtedly wrong, is that no one else was even given a chance. I mean, seriously, you have a character described as having "straight black hair, olive skin, and gray eyes" and you don't see fit to extend the casting call to, say, Native American, Hispanic, Mediterranean, and biracial actresses as well?
We're talking about a story set in the middle future United States, and a character from what was once the Appalachian region (which happens to be plenty racially diverse already) who is described this way, when her mother and sister are described as being pale and blonde. Sure, it's not impossible that Katniss would be Caucasian, but doesn't it seem more likely that she be biracial? Moreover, how often do you even get the opportunity to cast someone in as an action lead from a young adult series who -isn't- explicitly described as blonde and blue eyed?
This is a hugely missed opportunity. Missed to search out new actresses, missed to demonstrate any kind of fair opportunity casting practices, missed to get a woman of color on screen in a leading, powerful role where she would have been perfectly in place anyway.

Why Race Matters in Akira

Pre-script? Disclaimer? :  It might be hypocritical for me to be writing about this as if I know what I'm talking about. As a White U.S.-ian, I have no claim beyond admiration to the original Akira manga and movie, or the circumstances around their creation. Nor do I have any claim to speak for the Asian, and Asian-American actors and audiences being jilted by this movie. But the situation strikes me as, to be blunt, fueled by racism, and to not point that out would be basically the same as condoning it. If anyone reading this feels I've overstepped my bounds here, please call me on it.

Post contains spoilers for those who have not seen/read the Akira film and or manga.

 So, I'm pretty sure most people who read this are familiar with the history of whitewashing in the U.S film industry. If nothing else, you're probably at least aware of the recent controversies around the Last Airbender and Prince of Persia films.
Now, as in the case of the Last Airbender travesty, I don't find 'It's a fantasy world, so everyone must be white by default' a tenable argument by any means. But even it has more excuse than the bullshit that looks to be happening in the WB's adaptation of Akira.

I'll just be upfront about this: I adore Akira. Thanks to a fanboy babysitter, I more or less grew up with Japanese cartoons, comics, and videogames, but Akira was my real introduction to the incredible depth, beauty and power of animation as a filmic form, and to the complex world of 'grown up' anime. This movie/manga introduced me to my now much beloved apocolyptic scifi, and Tetsuo spawned a permenant fangirl love for anti-hero's (different than underdogs), and otherwise seemingly amoral protagonists who are nonetheless vulnerable and loyal to their friends. I could go on and on and on and on, but suffice it to say; I freaking love Akira. So, I was briefly curious and excited when I heard about the possibility of it being remade, live action, by serious and competent filmakers. Until I saw the casting short lists for the lead roles:

For the role of Tetsuo: Robert Pattinson, Andrew Garfield and James McAvoy.
For the role of Kaneda: Garrett Hedlund, Michael Fassbender, Chris Pine, Justin Timberlake and Joaquin Phoenix  Thanks to Racebending for the info

....No. A thousand times no. 

Where do I start with what's wrong with this? I guess I can sort of break it down into two sections, but those still overlap a lot. A) as an anime fan and casual academic, I believe this does great injustice to the original work, and the literary tradition in which it is situated. B) It's racist as shit. These are a bit hard for me to separate, because what's not racist about basically erasing the cultural and historical context out of which a work was born? If the proposed blanket Americanization of Akira isn't indicative of the belief in some kind of cultural superiority, I don't know what is.

So, here goes:

(Section A is based on my forays into manga and anime studies, in which I am by no means an expert, just a slightly educated fan. I apologize for the lack of citations, I don't have my source materials on me now, and this is from memory, and thus not as detailed, or accurate as it could be.)

A) Why this disrespects the original in specific, and the Japanese entertainment industry in general.
Okay, this is a big one. A really really big one: Bomb Imagery.  Guess what U.S? We don't have the cultural/historical trauma of being the only country in the world to have had a nuclear bomb dropped on us. Two, actually. And to be familiar with Akira and say that it's plot and imagery is somehow separable from nuclear anxiety is to be ignorant of history. Akira is one of a an entire genre of Japanese apocalyptic films that refer to the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. The first such of these that I know of being Godzilla, the opening scene of which is of a devastated city, very much reminiscent of footage taken of the aftermath of the bombings. Bomb imagery and anxiety has influenced much of Japanese horror and science fiction since the end of WWII. Akira is clearly part of this tradition, with the opening shot being destroyed by and atomic bomb, Neo-Tokyo being set in a massive crater after WWIII, the primary conflict being driven by a combination of human experimentation with technology who's power they don't understand, and can't control (played out on multiple levels by the gov'ts inability to control Tetsuo, and Tetsuo's giddy power binge which he ultimately can't control either) and the climactic end being an explosion that looks very much like depictions of a nuclear one. To remove this story from Japan and set it in Neo-Manhattan, with white actors, as the WB production intends, is to undermine the very real power behind those images for Japan, and ignore a rich and established film and literary tradition in favor of...what? Some weird need for familiarity? As if we can't be expected to empathize with human tragedies if they didn't happen to U.S-ians?. Not to mention more than a little twistedly appropriative, considering you know, it was the U.S that dropped those bombs.
Speaking of ignoring the legitimacy of other peoples story telling traditions, it bears mentioning that in the originals, the main characters are all about 15. Yeah. Do any of the actors listed above look like they could pull that off to you? Why is this important? Well, let's have a look at the (especially prevalent in manga and anime) tradition of the 'monstrous youth'. Think of some well known anime characters...lets just throw out: Naruto (naruto), Lain (serial experiments lain), and Nia (guren laggan). What do these three characters have in common? They are all youths (12-14 ish) whose relationship to self and others is mediated by their own unwilling monstrosity. Naruto is a social outcast because he serves as the container for a the Kyuubi, a devastatingly powerful monster that sometimes posseses him when in dire straights. Lain, it turns out, is not a person at all but a program, and Nia is the arguably artificial creation of one of the series 'big bads' not quite human, animal, or what have you.  Now, of course, monstrosity means different things when applied to all of them, but change and hybridization of consistent. This isn't to say that the trope of the 'monstrous youth' exists only in Japanese story telling, but it has had and continues to have a significant presence there, which was particularly telling at the time of Akira's being written and published. Tetsuo is truly a monstrous youth, given a terrible power over which he cannot control and which is ultimately destructive, as the result of human meddling with dangerous technology. This corresponds to both the trials of adolescence, but particularly the trials of adolescence and inter-generational strife between those growing up in the post-war period, and those who had lived through it. Tetsuo's monstrosity can be read as representative of the perceived 'lostness' of rebellious youth during the recession, and how alien they must have seemed to their parents who had lived through the war. So, taking the story out of Japan and changing the characters races and ages again undermines both longstanding literary traditions, and lessons the emotional impact of several story elements that depend in part on cultural and historical context

B) Why these casting decisions would be overtly racist, even without the whole ignoring-context-and-dismissing-of-Japanese-literary-traditions-because-we-only-like-American-shit-thing.
Casting white characters in these roles contributes to a long history of whitewashing in U.S cinema. We saw it Airbender and Prince of Persia. Before that we saw it in Lawrence of Arabia, Breakfast at Tiffanys,  Bullet Proof Monk, 30 Days of Night, Starship Troopers, 21, the Dragon Ball Z movie, and I'm sure many more. In the last couple years, a little under 2% of big grossing films have had Asian American leads. Which is weird, since that's not exactly representative of the U.S population. Asian-American actors (well, really all actors who aren't caucasian) are routinely funneled into supporting roles, and often typecast or tokenized. The underlying belief seems to be that only white faces are bankable. The underlying belief to that being that apparently U.S movie goers can only empathize with White people, and nobody else's existence really needs to be seriously acknowledged anyway. Which kind of implies that only White people are people. Since, you know. Empathy.
The best part? As seen above, the main characters are keeping their Japanese names. Because that, in combination with everything else about the movie, isn't remotely appropriative or anything.
It's not even believable. At all. It's not like Manhattan is a white-only city. I strongly doubt a Neo-Manhatten would be either. There is really, really, no reason to cast White actors in the roles of Kaneda and Tetsuo besides simply not wanting Asian-American actors to have them. And guess what? That's racist. Seriously, break the cycle. Give the roles to some of the many great but underrated Asian-American actors. Or open up casting calls to look for new talent completely. I'm more than willing to bet that the unbankability of actors of color is one fabricated and perpetuated by Hollywoods refusal to take 'risks' on actors of color in leading roles. 

TL;DR: By taking Akira and setting it in the U.S with white actors we completely dismiss the longstanding and totally worthy body of work to which it is attached, apparently solely because that body of work is Japanese, not U.S-ian, and perpetuate the marginalization of actors of color, and the media under-representation of people of color as a whole. Which, you know, demonstrates massive problems of empathy and social status. Use your consumer power and tell the entertainment industry to stop pulling this shit.

Stuff to do about it:
Join the FB petition, use numbers to show WB that their audience won't stand for these discriminatory policies

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Sharing this article

Because it's a great anti-misogyny article which everyone should read, cis, trans, boy, girl, what have you.

Transmisogyny is misogyny against all women

Friday, March 4, 2011

Stuff this Week Feb 28- Mar 4 2011

Three things you can do:

1. Help demonstrate the existence of a viable market for vegetarian and vegan fast food! People will always be drawn to fast food, and vegetarianism is often seen only as status symbol and privilege of the rich, so why not promote healthier, more environmentally friendly alternatives that are quick, convenient, not hugely expensive, and last but definitely not least: culturally accessible!  If you have a blog or social networking account, consider writing a post to make this market more visible.

2. So, Palin calls her followers 'Mama Grizzlies', I disagree, and would call Palin pretty anti-grizzly. If you love nature/care about the environment, how about taking the pledge bellow to protect it, and turn some of this silly rhetoric on itself?

3. I have nothing witty to say about this: violence is pretty much always bad, life in the global south is full of daily trails those of us living in post-industrial nations would be hard pressed to even comprehend, and hate based oppression exists everywhere. Please try to improve life for one small section of the queer population, and the population of the global south by signing this petition urging leaders to crack down on anti-queer abuses, or write a letter to your senator, President, the UN, or anyone else you can think of urging pressure on leaders to denounce such violence.

Three things that are going right:

1. Not everyone thinks that teachers, unions, and public employees are satan spawn!

2. A case of hate-legislation stopped in it's tracks, and a victory for marriage equality!

3. Fantastic actress of color given the role of an awesome character, helping to break the white monopoly in the comic book world! Also Wonder Woman always needs more love. Fingers crossed that the increasingly stellar casting for this show saves it from some hints at questionable writing.

Friday, February 18, 2011

Stuff This Week February 2011 11-18

Note: Viewing many of the bellow may require you to sign up with Care2. Please consider it either way, because Care2 is pretty freakin' awesome.

 Stuff to Do
 Help get women and elderly people in Malawi released from (illegal) imprisonment on witchcraft charges


Help get this journalist out of detention for daring to do his job.

KILL this law that essentially makes the assassination of abortion providers legal
If you, like me, can't get to a real one, join a virtual march in support of Unions

Stuff to Read

Really Bad 


 Yay For this Kid! 

Take That! 

 Example of why I am constantly waffling between wanting to join the Peace Corps, Americoprs, and Teach for America after finishing school.

I have mixed feelings about the school changing their homecoming awards to be gender neutral. One the one hand, how awesome for this guy that not only was his real gender recognized but supported by his classmates! How awesome that he gets to go to homecoming and receive the title/award he was voted into! How freaking awesome that the school willingly changed it's policies to be less binary and cissexist once the problem was brought up!
On the other hand, they should've just let him go as Homecoming King. Making him adopt a gender neutral title is still rather un-gendering.

aaaaaaand this. Because it's a really cool project, and I want it to get funded so that I can buy one of these posters someday.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

New addition to my blogroll? I think yes!

So, I'm a self confessed and wholehearted pop culture geek.

Therefore, the existence of this blog makes me extremely happy, and I thought some of you might be interested in it to:

Basically, the blog is a collection of essays and articles (mostly partial, with links to the full text included at the end of a post) about cartoons, animated movies, and the occasional video game. Not every post is phenomenal, but the good are very good, and the content overall is consistently interesting, and perspective opening.

So, happy reading, and I hope you enjoy it as much as I do!

Monday, February 14, 2011

Dear People,

Okay, I know it's a bit silly, it being Valentine's Day and all, but I just wanted to tell you that a love you.

No seriously. You, people, are nothing short of astonishingly, mind-bendingly awesome. In all senses of the word.

Don't ever forget it!


Monday, February 7, 2011

Glitch - Prologue

It was hunger that finally drove her out. Pulled her slowly from the folds of the sleeping bag she’d cocooned herself in for the last 2 days. And thirst. She had never in her life been so thirsty. The pounding headache, the sore scratching in her throat and the heavy emptiness in her gut had grown steadily, perforated by hours of restless sleep.

When she woke the 5th (or 10th, or 2nd?) time it was sensation, peaked like lead and trapped animals, that forced her to abandon the warmth and safety of hiding. She zipped the bag open and half crawled out. It was damp, and cool in the underground room, and gray the gray light of early morning seeped through the barred windows. And the distorted, echoing ring of sirens, voices, more than usual, and closer. A far off rumble that might have been a car crash …or might have been…
Squares and dashes of gray-blue light patterned the stone floor. The room reeked the comfort of ink and gasoline, and cleaners.

Until the breeze stirred up the copper taint of blood.

She gagged, curled in against the nausea and the flood, eyes wired shut and hands over ears against the wave of realization that tried to come over her, to wash her away. There was no time for this.

With nothing in her stomach she soon caught her breathe, and rose shakily. Her uniform was stiff with sweat, and blood, and fuel and lubricant and coolant leaking from the wounds on her arms and shoulders. She needed a repair. Badly. But food and water would help that. She took a deep breath and began to pick her way across the room, over the remnants of smashed computers, dismantled printing presses, and piles of papers which would never be delivered now. She opened the door from the main press, it creaked inward to the stale air of the break room. Somehow, it had been left relatively untouched. The light still blinked on the refrigerator, the table and chairs were overturned, but intact.

Most of the food in the refrigerator was spoiled. No surprise. But there was water in the tap and T.V and canned vegetables and beans in the cupboard and she’d eaten three without tasting them before she realized the static in her ears wasn’t distortion from the street above, or the damaged circuits in her skull.
The radio still worked.

She nearly fell over herself in her scramble to find it, stuttering between the legs of a discarded chair, set the dials, chase around the room for a signal.
And when she found it, weak as it was

-riots in Union Square….police…coalition of protesting cyborgs, robots, and organics…Mr. Rapp CEO of…house ransacked –

Somewhere in the street above another rumble and shock, and a handful of what sounded like firecrackers.

She didn’t care that the tears streaming down her face were more than salt and water, burned her skin, or the way her racking, joyous sobs grated against machinery and bone coming un-knit.

They’d done it. They’d actually done it.

They’d won.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

The Protect Life Act? I think Not.

I am angry.

No, I am fucking infuriated. I am so fucking infuriated I don't even have words to describe the sheer levels of fury and disgust I am currently experiencing.

So, basically, the so called "Protect Life Act" or bill HR 358 isn't just an attack on a woman's (especially poor, underprivileged woman's) right to choose, it's a blatant attack on the bodies and value of women. Period.

Or really, any pregnant person, or person with a uterus (obviously uterus does not equal woman)

Sponsored by the same people as HR 3, which until recently had everyone up-in-arms over the 'forcible rape' wording which would have, for insurance purposes, discounted roughly 70% of rapes, the much less publicized HR 358 basically says women's lives don't matter, and it's fine to just let them die.

Yeah, that's right. If this bill get's approved, hospitals who receive federal funding, but don't support abortion will not only be allowed to turn away women seeking emergency abortions where not aborting would kill the woman, with no legal repercussions, but they will not even be required to transfer her to a hospital that will treat her. Again, with no legal repercussions for simply allowing a treatable patient seeking treatment to die.

This is a huge departure from current emergency care legislation, which requires that all persons seeking emergency care, including life saving abortions, be treated. And if the hospital they come to first is unwilling or unable to provide treatment, the hospital is legally required as per the 1986 EMTALA law, to transfer them to a hospital that can.

The passing of HR 358 would completely undo that.

If the purpose of this act is to "protect life" then why aren't women's lives worth protecting?

Oh yeah, because anti-choice legislation is rarely if ever actually concerned with the well being of fetuses, it's concerned with hurting and in this case killing women.

If this pisses you off as much as it does me, here is a petition you can sign, to be delivered to congress on Tuesday, urging that such legislation be dutifully and swiftly shot down:

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Holy Shit!

There's a Blog!

And you're looking at it. Whoah. Well, however you ended up here, thank you for stopping by!

So, here's  a quick rundown of what all will be going on here:
1. The main purpose of this blog will be the uploading of bi-monthly installments of a serialized novel (in draft form, to be fair) tentatively entitled Glitch
2. Reviews of things I've read recently, mostly with a bent towards pop-scifi and pop-fantasy. Since I lack the mental wherewithal to provide legitimate, serious criticism of anything, these are likely to be done while slightly inebriated, and with the main intent to entertain =)
3. Because I'm incapable of keeping my opinions to myself, look for a fairly large number of updates regarding news events, politics, things that are wrong in the world, things that are good in the world, and things you can sign to make it better.
4. Sometimes I may even have a post about my personal life! Though that's rarely interesting enough to be worth it.

So, there you are, if that sounds at all interesting to you, do check back now and again ^^

For now, look at these baby animals!