Friday, February 18, 2011

Stuff This Week February 2011 11-18

Note: Viewing many of the bellow may require you to sign up with Care2. Please consider it either way, because Care2 is pretty freakin' awesome.

 Stuff to Do
 Help get women and elderly people in Malawi released from (illegal) imprisonment on witchcraft charges


Help get this journalist out of detention for daring to do his job.

KILL this law that essentially makes the assassination of abortion providers legal
If you, like me, can't get to a real one, join a virtual march in support of Unions

Stuff to Read

Really Bad 


 Yay For this Kid! 

Take That! 

 Example of why I am constantly waffling between wanting to join the Peace Corps, Americoprs, and Teach for America after finishing school.

I have mixed feelings about the school changing their homecoming awards to be gender neutral. One the one hand, how awesome for this guy that not only was his real gender recognized but supported by his classmates! How awesome that he gets to go to homecoming and receive the title/award he was voted into! How freaking awesome that the school willingly changed it's policies to be less binary and cissexist once the problem was brought up!
On the other hand, they should've just let him go as Homecoming King. Making him adopt a gender neutral title is still rather un-gendering.

aaaaaaand this. Because it's a really cool project, and I want it to get funded so that I can buy one of these posters someday.

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